Saturday, August 28, 2010

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  • Nissan Xterra not long for this world?
    Classé dessous : SUV, Nissan, tous terrains Nissan 2010 Xterra - clic ci-dessus pour la galerie de l'image haut-recherche Xterra de Nissan, une régression à quand tout le SUVs étaient rouge dans la dent et griffent, peut balancer sur la potence plus tôt plutôt que plus tard. Selon l'automobile de la salle, l'off-roader glorieusement droit fait face à un futur incertain parmi des ventes de subsidence et des règlements fédéraux ever-tightening d'économie du combustible. Les données de la salle indiquent que le Xterra a vendu juste 12.186 unités par juillet, et même que la figure modeste est bien en avant du pas glaciaire de l'année dernière provoqué par l'économie stagnante. Par comparaison, Nissan a embarqué 88.578 nouveau Xterras au loin aux propriétaires en 2000. Le Xterra n'a pas reçu les changements plus que modestes depuis sa conception en arrière de 2005, et bien que le vice-président de Nissan du produit avancé et de la planification des produits et de stategy, Larry Dominique, dise le constructeur d'automobiles essayera de construire le SUV '« tant que nous pouvons probablement, » il n'y a pas une conception en vue. En dépit de la cession probable du Xterra, la salle indique que les parents de taille moyenne du Xterra, la collecte de frontière et orienteur, ne semblent pas aller n'importe où, cependant de Dominique les conseils apparemment que ce dernier pourraient continuer dessus sous une nouvelle forme, dire le « orienteur vivra sur… comment il vivra dessus, attente à voir. Il n'y a aucune raison de se débarasser d'un croisement de trois-rangée ou d'un SUV. » Nissan a-t-il pu considérer un décalage à un orienteur voiture-basé, comme l'explorateur 2011 de Ford et le prochain détour Durango ? Nous devrions savoir dans l'année. Galerie : Nissan 2010 Xterra [Source : L'automobile de la salle] Nissan Xterra pas longtemps pour ce monde ? à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog Fri, 27 août 2010 14:01 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • BREAK: Pitney handle, vp-sale of BMW North America completely at 47
    Under classifies: Marketing/announces BMW Pitney handle was killed the North American vice-president of BMW of marketing today in a tragic accident of everything in vacationing at its farm. Pitney, 47 was with BMW since 1995, if he connected the German motor vehicle technical designer, in order to direct its operations from reports of body to. Influential it brings the mini character to the United States, and was its first owner on this market of 2001-2005. Recently he was the appointed person, around BMW to help specifies an association with the olympic committee of the United States (see the above photo). Pitney was bent, in order to become VP of the east region of BMW on 1 September. Our compassion comes out to the family, to the friends and to the colleagues of Pitney. Official press report by BMW after the leap. They read further the BREAK: Pitney handle, vp-sale of BMW North America completely at 47BREAKING: Pitney handle, vp-sale of BMW North America at 47 at the beginning appeared complete on Autoblog Thu 26 August 2010 18:44: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • Report: Regardless of the governor to meet Ford set, in order to close the guard factory Förster Minnesotas
    Classé dessous : Camion, gouvernement/légal, usines/fabrication, Ford 2010 garde forestier de Ford - clic ci-dessus pour la galerie de l'image haut-recherche Selon les nouvelles de Detroit, fonctionnaires de Ford rencontrés le gouvernement Tim Pawlenty du Minnesota hier pour discuter le futur de l'usine de rue Paul du constructeur d'automobiles. Le service, qui construit la collecte compacte de la garde forestière de Ford a été affecté à la fermeture pendant quelque temps, mais en dépit de la session de table ronde, l'ovale bleu dit qu'il prévoit toujours de shutter ses opérations. L'administration de Pawlenty avait espéré que la signature d'un nouveau droit national en avril permettant au gouvernement d'offrir à Ford par série d'allégements fiscaux serait assez pour maintenir les opérations de villes jumelles ouvertes, mais apparemment elle n'était pas assez - l'usine se fermera, bien qu'une extrémité-date demeure incertaine. La fermeture de l'usine fermera également le livre sur le garde forestier de vieillissement, bien que Ford ait confirmé que le nom modèle vivra dessus avec autre, de plus grands modèles sur les marchés extérieurs. Jusqu'ici, les rumeurs d'une nouvelle garde forestière nord-américaine (et même une glissade de sur-air par le Président Alan Mulally de Ford) se sont élevées à rien, et avec Ford commis présentant des moteurs plus économiques à sa collecte F-150 normale, il semble fortement peu probable qu'une garde forestière des États-Unis recevra un bis n'importe quand bientôt. [Source : Les nouvelles de Detroit] Rapport : En dépit de rencontrer le gouverneur, Ford a placé pour fermer le garde forestier du Minnesota que l'usine est à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog Thu, 26 août 2010 13:30 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • First order: Nissan 2011 Juke
    Classé dessous : Le budget, croisement, Nissan, le premier croisement de bébé de DriveUnlikely confond et enchante Nissan 2011 Juke - cliquez sur en haut pour la galerie de l'image haut-recherche Rappelez-vous Nissan NX du milieu des années 90 ? Le sportster minuscule et econobox-basé était aussi mignon comme bogue et a passé sa brève durée de vie le mélangeant vers le haut aux affordables long-allés et sportifs d'autre d'entraînement à roues avant motrices comme Mazda MX-3, à la Honda Civic CRX, au Toyota Paseo et même à Hyundai Scoupe. Tandis qu'il y avait beaucoup de coupés de regard peu coûteux et mordants de retour puis, la plupart des constructeurs d'automobiles juste ne voient plus aucun argent dans ce segment. Au lieu de cela, quand ils regardent pour se défaire de quelque chose de leur châssis d'entrée de gamme de B-classe, virez plus vers le segment white-hot de croisement. Considérez le dernier exemple, Juke 2011 de Nissan. Venez pour penser à lui, ce polissoir de mouler de ville de dans-votre-visage a quelques similitudes effrayantes au NX. Pour un, à 162.8 pouces de long, c'est trompeusement juste 0.4 pouce de petite taille plus long que le coupé des années 90. De plus, le Juke et les NX1600 se fondent sur la puissance à quatre cylindres de 1.6 litre. Et comme le NX Sentra-basé, le Juke plus émotif est basé sur les mêmes soutiens humbles qui donnent la structure aux offres de tous les jours de Nissan, dans ce cas-ci, le Versa et le cube. Et alors que le Juke peut ne pas être mignon comme bogue, il y a quelque chose complètement insectian au sujet du son Prédateur-comme la tasse. En dépit de ne pas être une voiture sportive traditionnelle, Nissan avait parlé vers le haut de son mini-ute de façon controversée dénommé avec plusieurs des mêmes descripteurs, ainsi nous avons sauté à cloche-pied un avion à Vancouver pour voir si le Juke pourrait pendiller et tisser sa manière dans nos coeurs. Suivez le saut pour découvrir comment il est allé. Galerie : Nissan 2011 Juke : Première commande Copyright de photos (C) 2010 Chris Paukert/AOL Continuez de lire d'abord la commande : Commande 2011 de Nissan JukeFirst : Nissan 2011 Juke est à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog Thu, 26 août 2010 11:57 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • Read spy: Battery charger of 2011 detours, which is on the racing whole of the five currentfast and indicated

    Filed under: Spy Photos, Sedan, Chrysler, Dodge, Police/Emergency

    2011 Dodge Charger rear spy shot
    Reader Spy: 2011 Dodge Charger on the set of 'The Fast and the Furious Five' - Click above for high-res image gallery

    Thanks to Autoblog reader Jose Rosario, we can now put the speculation to rest - the 2011 Dodge Charger will indeed receive a new full-width taillamp treatment that echoes that of its two-door Challenger kin. Rosario informs us that these spy shots were taken in Puerto Rico on the set of The Fast and the Furious Five, the latest installment of the durable Vin Diesel street racing franchise.

    According to Rosario, the filming appears to be using at least one prototype of the new Charger, "because it has the sides of the current model but has the new front and they added the new rear which light up all in LED lights." The film crew is also using more complete 2011 models, all of which are dressed up as police cars. The cars were used in a chase scene in which two current-model in a matte black finish pull a bank vault along the street, pursued by the Brazilian police cars (Even though the filming is taking place in Puerto Rico, the movie is set in Brazil). Rosario sadly reports that the last scene filmed the day these images were taken were of a current model Charger rear-ending a 2011 model.

    Rosario managed to not only get shots of the new taillamps and well-integrated dual exhausts, but also some shots of the front end, which he says looks "more aggressive," including more snout-like grille, new hood, subtly but completely redone headlamps and a revised lower fascia.

    As if that weren't enough, our man in PR also scored a shot of the 2011 model's interior, which reveals a much more cohesive look. A new three-spoke steering wheel with redundant audio controls beckons, as does what appears to be a start button. The gauge binnacle eschews the four nacelles of the current car for a more unified cluster that's marked out by a liberal helping of silvery trim and vertically oriented air vents bookend a new infotainment screen. Immediately below the screen, the Charger maintains its simple three-knob HVAC controls (albeit redone), and a step down from there is the CD slot. In the center console, a gated PRNDL surrounded by what looks like faux carbon-fiber trim. All-in-all, it looks like a massive improvement over the dour and workmanlike instrument panel of the outgoing Dodge.

    What do you think - will the reborn Dodge Charger and its Chrysler 300 twin offer enough changes to rekindle your interest? Check out our images in the high-res gallery below, and then drop your fellow reader a line in Comments. Thanks for the pics, Rosario!

    Reader Spy: 2011 Dodge Charger revealed on set of The Fast and the Furious Five originally appeared on Autoblog on Sat, 21 Aug 2010 22:26:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • Spy projectiles: Discovered elaboration redux mysterious sexy from Lancia Stratos

    Filed under: Concept Cars, Motorsports, Spy Photos, Classics, Coupe, Geneva Motor Show, Europe, Design/Style

    Mystery Lancia Stratos revival - Click above for image gallery

    What appears to be an updated version of the showstopping Fenomenon Stratos concept car of 2005 has cropped up in a couple of previously unseen spy shots. Essentially an updated version of Lancia's all-conquering World Rally hero of the 1970s, the Fenomenon Stratos debuted back in 2005 at the Geneva Motor Show, where it went down a storm. Limited production was expected to follow in 2006 and 2007, but aside from images of an open-topped variant making the rounds, the car fell off the radar.

    Taken by an anonymous photographer, these shots were allegedly snapped on a Fiat test track near Milan, though it isn't immediately clear when the images were taken. ItaliaSpeed indicates the pics were taken on June 21, but firm information seems scarce, and it's possible they could actually be older images just now coming to light. What's perhaps most interesting is that the car in these photographs boasts a different, more conservative front fascia (perhaps for better aerodynamics than the somewhat lift-happy look of the concept), and the split-screen windshield has disappeared, suggesting that there have been further developments on the project since it was last shown. Like the original, plans called for the Fenomenon Stratos revival to rely on Ferrari power, albeit with two extra cylinders. At the time, it was understood that the mid-mounted V8 from the 360 Scuderia would find its way into the engine bay, although we have no indication as to what's powering the car in the photos.

    Does this mean that Lancia itself has taken up the torch on this car? Or has a wealthy benefactor kick-started life into a stillborn project for a tasty one-off (as suggested by Italiaspeed) - à la James Glickenhaus? Or has development been proceeding all this time? Or are we just getting too excited over the prospect of one of our all-time favorite supercars getting back out on the road, if only in spirit? Have a look at the shots below and let us know what you think.

    [Source: ItaliaSpeed]

    Spy Shots: Mysteriously sexy Lancia Stratos redux spotted working out originally appeared on Autoblog on Tue, 03 Aug 2010 13:27:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • First order: The hybrid 2011 of sonate of Hyundai looks at, in order to double the amounts

    Filed under: Sedan, Technology, Hyundai, First Drive

    2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid - Click above for high-res image gallery

    Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that the 2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid hails from a nation where Buddhism is one of the dominant religions. After all, this slippery sedan's design is the gas-electric's equivalent of The Middle Path - a road that the company hopes is truly the way to automotive enlightenment.

    Say what?

    In the still-young history of the modern hybrid automobile, there have been two prevailing schools of thought on design: As the less costly path, The Low Road to hybridization is already a crowded one - it's a design route that basically calls for the electrification hardware to be buried beneath a familiar bodyshell that's shared with a conventional internal combustion-only model (see: Lexus LS 600h, Ford Fusion Hybrid, Chevrolet Silverado, etc.). The driving philosophy here is to keep production costs in check while also appealing to audiences that might be otherwise reluctant to embrace "new" technology.

    Despite being on the checklist of every politician, environmentalist and Hollywood glitterati, hybrids don't sell in America
    By contrast, The High Road calls for swoopier model-specific bodywork - if not an entire dedicated platform - enabling a "greener than thou" halo for its owners and parent company. Unfortunately, this high-visibility strategy also costs a boatload of cash, and the only such model that has managed to make a solid business case for itself is the Toyota Prius, a vehicle that's become the de-facto postercar for the green movement.

    But here's the conundrum that Hyundai has keenly recognized: Despite being on the checklist of every politician, environmentalist and Hollywood glitterati, hybrids don't sell in America - they account for less than two percent of new vehicles purchased in the U.S. every year, and their high technology bandwidth means that they require a disproportionate amount of money to develop. Basically, Hyundai knows that the Sonata Hybrid is a necessity for improving its technological capabilities, as well as for burnishing its industry-leading CAFE scores, but it also seems to understand that it is almost certain to lose money on each one it builds. Which is why they've taken The Middle Path.

    In this case, the Sonata Hybrid tries to integrate the best of the other two hybrid strategies - create a distinctive new model with a unique look that says "I care more about the earth than you do" without incurring the cost of a whole new platform and all-new sheetmetal. Have they been successful? We flew all the way to South Korea to find out...

    Continue reading First Drive: 2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid looks to split the uprights

    First Drive: 2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid looks to split the uprights originally appeared on Autoblog on Mon, 19 Jul 2010 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • Source: Per the length span Santa Hyundai Veracruz Fe which can be replaced

    Filed under: Crossover, Hyundai

    Hyundai Veracruz - Click above for high-res image gallery

    While the Hyundai Veracruz is a perfectly competent vehicle, the upscale three-row crossover hasn't been selling particularly well, making it stick out like the proverbial sore thumb on the Korean automaker's otherwise white-hot sales charts. What to do? Well, Autoblog has learned that while the CUV will soldier on largely unchanged for another couple of years, it is almost certain to be replaced by a long-wheelbase version of Hyundai's popular Santa Fe.

    The move is unusual for a crossover but not without precedent. In other markets, Nissan has added a stretched version of its well-liked, hard-to-pronounce Qashqai known as the Qashqai+2. Of course, other automakers have also offered extended-wheelbase models of their body-on-frame SUVs (think: Cadillac Escalade ESV) for many years.

    At this time, it's not clear how much the next-generation model will be stretched to accommodate the third row, or what name the longer model will take, but it will almost certainly maintain the Santa Fe descriptor and styling in order to build nameplate equity and control costs. Oddly, the Santa Fe was itself offered with three rows up until it received a modest refresh for model year 2010, but that option was dropped due to a very low take rate. Presumably, buyers are looking for more space for third-row occupants, and a longer passenger cell will have buyers considering a next-generation three-row Santa Fe anew.

    In other Santa Fe news, the CUV figures to be a prime candidate for the new lithium-polymer hybrid drivetrain that Hyundai has developed for the 2011 Sonata. While our sources won't confirm that the model will go gas-electric, they do admit that the company is keen to spread out development costs through added scale and they also acknowledge that the CUV's size would make packaging an easy and natural fit.

    Source: Hyundai Veracruz to be replaced by long-wheelbase Santa Fe originally appeared on Autoblog on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 17:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • Video: Hyundai effected for Porsche, offers, to take mini at the road Atlanta

    Filed under: Motorsports, Coupe, Performance, Etc., Videos, Hyundai, Mini, Porsche

    Turnabout Is Fair Play: Hyundai takes up Mini challenge - click above to watch the video after the jump

    Mini can safely be considered the 800-pound gorilla of viral marketing in the automotive sector, but fresh from its big showing this year with its Assurance program and successful Super Bowl appearances, Hyundai is showing real pluck. Need more proof? The boys from Korea have just stepped up to stand in for Porsche, offering to take on Mini at its Road Atlanta Challenge.

    In a smack-talk-tastic video response they've released to Mini USA head Jim McDowell, Hyundai says they're eager to bring their Genesis Coupe to Hotlanta raceway next month. What about Mini's planned June 21 event? Seems Hyundai race driver Rhys Millen is a bit busy getting ready to climb a certain mountain, so Hyundai is challenging Mini to a race in July.

    As Hyundai spokesman Dan Bedore tells Autoblog, "Since we launched the Genesis Coupe, we've always said that we'll take on all-comers when it comes to comparison tests. And we've had some experience on the race track at Road Atlanta. We'd be happy to meet Mini on the race track."

    To step in and offer to take a punch for someone you don't really even consider a buddy (read: Porsche) is either bold or downright crazy - or more than likely, some glorious combination of the two - but either way, it takes serious cojones. Will Mini step up to the challenge? Better still, might there be a three-way battle royale? Check out the video after the jump and stay tuned, everyone... this just got interesting.

    Photos by Michael Harley / Copyright (C)2010 Weblogs, Inc.

    [Source: Hyundai]

    Continue reading Video: Hyundai steps in for Porsche, offers to take on Mini at Road Atlanta

    Video: Hyundai steps in for Porsche, offers to take on Mini at Road Atlanta originally appeared on Autoblog on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 16:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • IPadhandbuch of Apple d' Equus de Hyundai: Complete details
    Classé dessous : Berline, technologie, Hyundai, luxe En dévoilant son offre plus ambitieuse à l'exposition automatique de New York d'avril, Hyundai a également fait sensation en annonçant que sa berline 2011 de luxe d'Equus viendrait avec un PC de comprimé de multimédia au lieu du manuel d'un propriétaire. Améliorez toujours, non seulement le dispositif remplacerait l'agrafe importante de boîte à gants et sauf quelques arbres, mais elle servirait également de liaison numérique entre le propriétaire et son agence, aidant à l'entretien de programme par son programme de valet de service, rappelez livraison d'entretien régulier, de véhicule de programme collecte (et prêteur) et, et ainsi de suite. La spéculation était que le comprimé anonyme prendrait la forme de l'iPad, mais jusqu'à présent, Hyundai n'a pas confirmé que c'est, en fait, un produit d'Apple. Non seulement peut Autoblog confirmer que le dispositif d'Equus est un iPad, nous ont appris ce que sera le modèle spécifique. Selon des sources de compagnie, Hyundai fournira à des propriétaires une gig 16, l'iPad (non-3G) wifi-permis avec un cas fait sur commande. Comme s'adapte pour une automobile de la meilleure qualité, ce dernier seront un cas en cuir à extrémité élevé de paysage-modèle qui est fait sur commande pour Hyundai, avec un logo de relief, suède-comme intérieur et un kickstand intégré. Le plus intéressant, le programme manuel du propriétaire inclura tous les texte et images habituels, mais tire profit également des possibilités de l'affichage des iPad en montrant des vidéos pour expliquer les fonctions du véhicule. Les programmes Equus-spécifiques arriveront préinstallé à côté de tout autre logiciel normal d'iPad, et les futures mises à jour seront disponibles par des iTunes, juste comme n'importe quel autre programme d'iPad. Galerie : Manuel 2011 d'iPad d'Apple d'Equus de Hyundai EquusHyundai : Les détails complets sont à l'origine apparus sur Autoblog Thu, 17 juin 2010 13:28 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • C/D: Cadillac to take over at new the gamme écrimage ship admiral rear wheel drive
    Under classifies: Berline, Cadillac, GM, Rumormill In accordance with Jens Meiners of the motor vehicle and the driver Cadillac in equilibrium one carries to serve in order a new normally, for Förderwagen of the drive of the rear Teils-Rad at the column over the next XTS inside too one receives - a model, which it will rest over the CTS, if it bends, in order as exchange which was combined at the STS and to the SZR. In order to hear moles C/D to indicate it is the ship promotion car admiral always at the provisional planning stages, but the model at the guideline set up of none except presidents OD Whitacre GM. If the rumor is precise, the next model can be derived obviously from a stretched sigma platform, the same architecture, which supports the cts family. Meiners undoes thoughts that the motor vehicle on the much-used platform Zeta could be built, the Chevrolet Camaro supported, which suggests that she is too heavy and old, in order to support such a vehicle. With the word, a crossing Lambda basé of three-lines up and KAMPFATS of BMW 3-Serien on the way for the Girlande of general of engine and CREST is the division, appears it ever more clearly that the boys downward struck the pedal of the product accelerator for their luxury character at the tubes. We hope just now that this secret offer means that Cadillac will finally leave to cook somewhat upward, the concept 2003 resembles 's sixteen impressing (above), although probably in a limited format. [Source: Motor vehicle and driver] C/D: Cadillac to take over at new the gamme écrimage ship admiral rear wheel drive appeared at the beginning on Autoblog Fri, 11 June 2010 16:28: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • First order: Saab 2010 9-5 shows the report of the character of chaos constructions

    Filed under: Sedan, Saab, First Drive, Luxury

    2010 Saab 9-5 - Click above for high-res image gallery

    A funny thing happened on the way to bankruptcy court for General Motors. As part of a bid to have its red-stained slate wiped clean, it moved to divest itself of a number of brands in its bloated portfolio, with Pontiac, Saturn, Hummer and Saab all earmarked for sale or closure. However, only one brand inspired sufficient passion among both owners and those with the financial wherewithal to rescue it from GM's 'wind-down' apple polishers. Oddly enough, it was the tiny Swede that successfully swam out to the life raft. Saab, the marque with the smallest and oldest product lineup, lowest volume, and the poorest brand recognition among American consumers somehow found a way to survive.

    How, exactly, did this come to pass? For starters, unlike any other of GM's death-row divisions, owners and fans rallied in dozens of countries, urging anyone who listened to "Save Saab." Now, we're not naïve enough to think that a band of loyalists were all it took to change the course of automotive history, but it's telling that there were no pitchforks and torches - or even a handful of picket signs - produced over the axing of the other brands. Saab remains a seldom understood, much loved brand, and we know that the displays of unity from Saab's scorned faithful stoked the fire of unlikely suitor Victor Muller, CEO and owner of Spyker Cars, as his team waded through a stomach-churning series of negotiations. After watching from the sidelines while bids by other small automakers and investment groups fizzled, the Dutch businessman and his team eventually pried the battered brand away from GM - but not before Saab had been partially liquidated.

    While Muller clearly has an affinity for the Swedish marque, he insists it wasn't boyhood sentiment that drove the purchase - it was the company's robust Trollhättan operations and a raft of promising, almost-here product that pushed his team to persevere. That stream of shiny new tin begins with the car you see before you: The 2010 9-5. Click through to the jump to see if Muller and Company have good reason to be optimistic.

    Photos by Chris Paukert / Copyright (C)2010 Weblogs, Inc.

    Continue reading First Drive: 2010 Saab 9-5 proves being born from chaos builds character

    First Drive: 2010 Saab 9-5 proves being born from chaos builds character originally appeared on Autoblog on Tue, 08 Jun 2010 11:57:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    The motor vehicle customers, who look for a luxury or a speciality revolution, can consider their options for a long-term warranty, including a confirmed possessed affair, where the manufacturer supplies its own certificate and obligatory promise for the road forward. …

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    It looks at the value, which a warranty confirmed brings pre owned to the board, and is important to measure the specific parts of this kind of specialized warranty in order to see whether the warranty of the motor vehicle is worth cpo out to second hand of the manufacturer…

  • A confirmed possessed vehicle will be more reliable
    There is never any warranty with a vehicle, which or even a new was used, but with a vehicle (CPO), pre owned confirmed, the owners can simply only the manufacturer rest approved of the condition of a vehicle, and which he changed over…

  • Queest, which more would have to cost a confirmed possessed vehicle?
    The customers on the market for a confirmed possessed vehicle often know that in exchange of a better warranty and complete examined vehicle they will pay a higher price or one „to premium ", but just now, like many more…

  • Is he in value to buy it around a confirmed possessed motor vehicle?
    Each driver must ask itself that, if they feel a confirmed possessed motor vehicle are worth the increased price. The buyers, whom confirmed affairs pre owned look at, to using motor vehicle, look for each other the surface of the protection line for their purchase….

  • The difference between uses and confirmed possessed motor vehicles
    If you consider a motor vehicle confirmed pre owned, ask just now, like them from a regular motor vehicle second-hand differ and probably the certificate in value is the additional money. It makes purchases for a vehicle, which was used by quality, and is…

  • Gymkhana 3 of the block of Ken: The part is not as the other one, the part comes into September
    Classé dessous : Commercialisation/annonçant, vidéos, Ford, célébrités Gymkhana 3 : Partie - Clic ci-dessus pour observer la vidéo après le saut Le compte à rebours attendu depuis longtemps pour rassembler la vidéo du Gymkhana 3 du bloc de Ken de superstar a fini, et ce qui a été indiquée aujourd'hui est une vidéo musicale comportant un groupe de hip-hop appelé les enfants frais, avec un peu du bloc de Ken et de sa fiesta de rassemblement arrosés dedans. À la différence des deux dernières vidéos de Gymkhana, qui sont devenues grâce instantanée de sensations de YouTube à la longueur directe du bloc faisant des arrêts étonnants derrière la roue de sa berline avec hayon arrière de STI de Subaru Impreza WRX de rassemblement, Gymkhana 3 : La partie est un informercial haut droit de vidéo musicale qui montre au loin l'habillement et les produits du C.C du bloc davantage que sa compétence motrice. Quand nous voyons la fiesta de rassemblement dans son début de Gymkhana, le bloc fait des butées toriques ou les conduit directement dans - et pas autour - des choses comme des bidons de peinture et des ampoules fluorescentes. Nous avons contacté l'équipage du bloc de Ken pour voir ce qu'est l'affaire, et avons été dits que le plan est de séparer le marketing de ce que les enfants veulent vraiment, qui est longueur de bloc faisant les choses avec une voiture qui s'avèrent qu'il est surhumain derrière la roue. Ainsi la partie du Gymkhana 3 est celle avec le message de vente, alors que la partie que nous sont dits sera beaucoup plutôt le Gymkhana 1 avec juste la longueur motrice. Quand nous avons demandé quand nous pouvons nous attendre au Gymkhana 3 : La partie à la baisse, première moitié septembre était la réponse. Vérifiez le Gymkhana 3 : Partie pour vous-même après le saut. [Source : YouTube] continuent de lire le Gymkhana 3 du bloc de Ken : La partie n'est pas comme les autres, la partie venant dans le Gymkhana 3 du bloc de SeptemberKen : La partie n'est pas comme les autres, la partie venant en septembre est à l'origine apparue sur Autoblog Tue, 24 août 2010 16:51 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • Video: Translogic examines volts of Chevy, indicates the mountain method and the time 0-60

    Filed under: Hybrid, Sedan, Videos, Chevrolet, Electric

    2011 Chevrolet Volt
    Translogic Episode 5.4 - Click above to watch video after the jump

    Our brothers from another mother over at Translogic just released their latest episode yesterday, episode 5.4 for whoever's counting. Host Bradley Hasemeyer spent a day with General Motors at the automaker's Milford Proving Ground driving the 2011 Chevrolet Volt and came away with some heretofore unknown tidbits of information about the series hybrid.

    For one, in addition to Eco, Normal and Sport modes, the Volt will have what's called Mountain Mode that allows it to climb any grade in the country. A GM engineer says they checked to be sure its Mountain Mode was adequate for any grade in the States and we have proof of at least one major mountain the Volt can climb. When Mountain Mode is selected, ideally about ten miles out from any big hills you want to climb, the Volt will kick on its on-board generator and create extra energy for the batteries. This allows the Volt's drive system to draw more power than normal from the battery packs while climbing a grade. If the battery packs are drained and the generator's already on, Mountain Mode will then increase the engine's RPM to make up the difference.

    Bradley also performed an impromptu 0-60 miles per hour test in the Volt, completing the run to highway speeds in 8.53 seconds while the car was in Sport mode. Not earth shatteringly quick, but plenty spry to feel normal in everyday driving conditions. Over the course of the day, Bradley drove the Volt a total of 59.7 miles, 16.1 of which occurred with the gas-powered range-extending on. During that time, 0.59 gallons of gas were consumed, which means the Volt achieved about 100 mpg for the day and 27.3 mpg while the engine was operating.

    The rest of the video is full of Volt information of which we're already aware, including how it interacts with mobile devices, charging options and the like, though we can't say we've seen anybody throw around the Volt yet like Bradley did. Follow the jump to view episode 5.4 for yourself and visit the Translogic blog here.

    [Source: Translogic]

    Continue reading Video: Translogic tests Chevy Volt, reveals Mountain Mode and 0-60 time

    Video: Translogic tests Chevy Volt, reveals Mountain Mode and 0-60 time originally appeared on Autoblog on Tue, 24 Aug 2010 14:59:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • Woodward 2010: Covers, of which over are not here
    Under classifies: Different. Automatic exhibitions Imports: 2010 Woodward - above clicking for the gallery of the picture high research Not everyone the chalute the impact holes of the Avenue de Woodward. during the dream the cruise in America was manufactured. The many motor vehicles are not from over here; they are imports. We do not speak simply about the Japanese motor vehicles, in or others. The imports of Woodward at the hail often Europe and are as classically fair that everything what screwed strait together. The truth so called, i.e. we took just as many foreign motor vehicles not imprisoned, because we would like to evade between drop rain and to try the sufficiency of our other galleries completely. But we advanced and built a gallery high research with the projectiles, which we received, because well we received any really well it from Porsche classical to 911s, and we have ourselves found that a certain new paper Porsche files among you could use paints itself from office. Treasures! Gallery: Imports: Woodward 2010 Personal 2010 of Autoblog of the photo copyright (C)/AOL2010 Woodward: Covers, which are published over at the beginning of on Autoblog Sun not here, 22 August 2010 09:00: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • Cruise of 2010 dreamers of Woodward: Is from Saturday, 10. AT of beginning of Livestream of Autoblog
    Classé dessous : Divers. Expositions automatiques 1.5 million de personnes. 40.000 voitures. 16 milles d'avenue célèbre de Woodward. Il est cette époque encore de couvrir notre événement préféré près de la ville de Detroit (nous aimons l'exposition automatique de Detroit, mais c'mon, il se produit dans les morts de l'hiver) : la croisière rêveuse de Woodward. Comme des années antérieurement, nous serons disponibles pour le jour officiel de croisière demain, bien que Detroiters aient eu leurs voitures classiques dehors sur l'avenue de Woodward. toute la semaine avant les milliers de gawkers classiques de voiture apparaissent le samedi et choses lentes vers le bas au ralenti sur la rue. En un mot, vous pouvez s'attendre à ce qu'Autoblog vous incite à se sentir comme vous êtes là même si vous choisissez de ne pas faire le voyage à la D-ville. Nous couvrirons la croisière 2010 rêveuse de Woodward sur trois avants : Livestream : Venez à à l'est 10AM samedi pour observer la croisière toute la journée par l'intermédiaire de livestreaming. Notre installation cette année est le meilleur qu'elle est jamais étée. Twitter/Facebook : Suivez le therealautoblog sur le Twitter et comme la page d'Autoblog Facebook pour des bips et des mises à jour frais de voiture tout au long de la journée entière. Galeries : Comme toujours, nous t'apporterons l'abondance des galeries de l'image haut-recherche des meilleures voitures croisant sur Woodward. Et nous avons fait à une promesse à nous-mêmes cette année de marquer chaque image ainsi vous savez ce que regardez vous. Veillez à nous vérifier dehors ce week-end ainsi vous ne manquent pas une minute d'assurance ! Croisière 2010 rêveuse de Woodward : L'est du samedi 10 AM de débuts de Livestream d'Autoblog est à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog Fri, 20 août 2010 13:30 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • Price for trucks of the motor vehicle second-hand: The lists for the local area make and from the models
    The prices for truck motor vehicle second-hand and place a better value today than always before. With the reliability at one point most highly and the purchase public the view, in order to stretch each dollar, which they can do downward in an economy, seems a vehicle used…

  • Magazine: Toyota 2011 Sienna limited
    Under classifies: monospace/Van, Toyota, Urlaub von ReviewsFamily examine the courage of this mono space Toyota 2011 Sienna - click on in top for the gallery of the picture high research My wife and I? Not mono space persons. It is not for lack of the evaluation. After everything we have three children, then we go intensively account of the won advantages of a considerable number of internal area. We receive three rows in another crest factor to No.; is naturally less practical, but, does not spur us not to feel us how we drive whiter under flag from suburban delivery in the garage. For our annual summer vacation we saw decided, how more sensitive persons roll. Our revolution for the week was family friendly the last Monument at the practical character: Toyota 2011 Sienna limited (stick ring to the $44,919 substantial as examines). Its task: schlep the author, his wife, our old girl of seven years, old son four years, month alto son 11 and the battery rather, which intimidate the relative waste up to the Vorgebirgskabeljau for an escape from five days. Everything would adapt easily? Would it be to be led really obligingly/pleasingly? We always with the secret mono space jealousy attacked thereafter? All these answers and more after the leap. Gallery: Magazine: Toyota 2011 Sienna Photo copyright (C) 2010 drew reading again examined from Philips/AOL continue: Toyota 2011 Sienna LimitedReview: Toyota 2011 Sienna has 2010 11:57 at the beginning limited published on Autoblog Fri, 27 August: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • Video: First side ground for the United States. Higher speed!
    Classé dessous : Vidéos, Cadillac, célébrités U.S. Bas de page supérieur de vitesse - clic ci-dessus pour observer la vidéo après le saut Vous que tout sait que la version américaine Attendue depuis longtemps de la vitesse supérieure est dirigée à la Manche d'histoire, et maintenant il est l'heure d'obtenir votre premier goût de l'exposition. Le premier bas de page pour l'exposition est en ligne, et si c'est n'importe quelle indication, Tanner Foust, bois de Rutledge et Adam Ferrare vont gagner au-dessus des visionneuses, et le programme ne vaguera pas de la formule réussie de l'original de BBC des essais frais et des défis fous. En fait, un de la nouvelle des défis exposition est la pièce maîtresse du bas de page. Dans fait participer les hôtes déterminant la voiture du meilleur $1.000 en mettant un trio de eux par un cours organisé « par alcool illégal » de punition de saleté. Le tour choisi pour l'énigme est Ferrare, Cadillac 1976 aéroporté Deville Calais vu ci-dessus (il pourrait être des '75, mais nous sommes assez certains que soit 'le modèle de 76 grils). Comment est-ce qu'un chariot de malaise-ère manipule un atterrissage après capture que beaucoup d'air ? Au sujet de comme vous imaginerait - ce n'est pas le monde de make-believe des expositions de cannette de fil des années 70, après tous. Il est hilare. Résultat : Les hôtes exsudent la grande chimie et l'action circulante en voiture est jolie beaucoup de tout que vous voudriez et prévoiriez d'un programme s'appelle vitesse supérieure. Sous toujours des enveloppes, cependant, est Stig. Le suspens est massacre nous. Ceci ressemble complètement à une exposition d'amusement. Frappez le saut pour voir pour vous-mêmes. Merci à Chris du bout ! [Source : YouTube] continuent la vidéo de lecture : Premier bas de page pour les États-Unis. Vitesse supérieure ! Vidéo : Premier bas de page pour les États-Unis. Vitesse supérieure ! à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog Sat, 7 août 2010 12:33 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Read  ; |  ; Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • Video: Fangio of rachsüchtiges in Saab APS?
    Classé dessous : Classiques, etc., vidéos, célébrités Peter Peter Hughes comme Fangio. Clic ci-dessus pour observer la vidéo musicale après le saut. Un album entier de concept soutenu d'une chanson de 23 ans imaginant Juan Manuel Fangio piloter un Saab SPG par les Andes sur une mission pour assassiner ancien dictateur chilien Augusto Pinochet ? La parcelle de terrain ressemble à de collaboration mythique entre Terry Gilliam et le leone de Sergio. En fait, tout l'artiste derrière elle est Peter Peter Hughes, que vous pouvez connaître de son travail en tant que membre des chèvres de montagne. Les deux premières chansons outre du nouveau projet solo de Hughes, Fangio, seront libérées le 10 août, digitalement et sur le vinyle (les 7 " seront disponibles par l'intermédiaire des disques de Fayettenam). Le LP complet suit le 7 septembre (vinyle encore disponible par l'intermédiaire de Fayettenam -- et fouille ce dessin-modèle d'album). Précédant tout ce qui, cependant, est la vidéo musicale pour la voie, « mon Dieu est Dieu fâché. » Dirigé par notre grand ami (et Jalopnik O.G.) Davey G. Johnson, la vidéo - tirée dans le véritable modèle de guérillero utilisant des lieux à New York hors de la ville comprenant le vieux circuit de généraliste de gorge de Watkins - étoiles Hughes comme Fangio et Saab personnel SPG de Hughes en tant qu'elle-même. Suivez le saut pour observer la vidéo, et soyez sûr de prendre le disque une fois qu'il est officiellement libéré. Pour les mises à jour additionnelles, vous pouvez suivre Peter Peter Hughes à son site Web,, et soyez également sûr de signer sur Davey à son endroit, excellent-appelé. [Source :,] continuent la vidéo de lecture : Un Fangio vindicatif dans un Saab SPG ? Vidéo : Un Fangio vindicatif dans un Saab SPG ? à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog Sat, 7 août 2010 09:32 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Read  ; |  ; Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • Ist dieser, das sie erste Blicke von Porsche 911 Turbo heute mögen

    Filed under: Motorsports, Classics, Coupe, Performance, Porsche, Misc. Auto Shows, Racing

    1973 Porsche 911 Turbo Factory Prototype
    1973 Porsche 911 Turbo factory prototype

    Some people attending the Greenwich Concours d'Elegance last weekend walked past this Porsche 911 Turbo, giving it nary a glance. After all, it was tucked a little out of the way, and even with its tweaked bodywork and decals, if you've seen one 911 Turbo, you've seen them all, right? Well, no. Anyone who paused long enough to read the info card owner Murray Smith placed front of the car learned that, in fact, this Turbo is more special than others. You see, it was the prototype - the first factory-turbocharged Porsche 911 road car, period.

    As the story goes, it began life as a regular '73 911S company car driven by Porsche chief engineer Helmuth Bott. From there, it won the Porsche genetics lottery when it was sucked into the automaker's experimental program to serve as the basis for the Turbo. As such, it became the first roadgoing Porsche 911 to get the turbo engine, along with the now-famous widebody treatment and whaletail.

    Once its developmental role was complete, it became the 911 Turbo display car for the Paris, Frankfurt, and Tokyo motor shows, but the story doesn't end there. Following a subsequent factory RSR conversion, this 911 Turbo was raced by Aussie Porsche importer Alan Hamilton during the mid-1970s. The icing on the cake for us came at the day's conclusion, when we got to hear the car fire up and get in line for the procession past the podium. It sounded like God on speakerphone. For a 911 with this provenance, that seemed entirely appropriate.

    Photos by Alex Núñez / Copyright (C)2010 Weblogs, Inc.

    This is what the first-ever Porsche 911 Turbo looks like today originally appeared on Autoblog on Sat, 12 Jun 2010 11:03:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • Video: BMW releases the half compartment mystery from in second place 1 by the dozen arranges M
    Under classifies: Cut execution, video, BMW, Luxus BMW half compartment of 1 series of M - above clicking, in order to look at the video after the leap The Striptease slow achingly of BMW the half compartment, which continues from 1 series M second-long, stains 47 half compartments camo covered of, which supports just now enough sheet metal, around us to keep interested. Over the wheels spoken Multi A are the bored plates and the four-fold exhausts the elements alone, which were not left to the fancy, but the additional Vinyl at the rear part of the nose gear wheels is safe to conceal a whole from model shock absorber transitions to while more ducktailspoiler outside backwards one adapts. Which concerns mechanicals is the smart money always on in line six jumeau turbocharged improved (N54), which gutters more than 335 forces in horses by a manual transmission and toward the wheels rear over a Differenzial digs downward pair high-level personnel of gentleman. We are rumblings of the hearing, which could be revealed the half compartment at the event by Octoberfest BMWCCA of the next week in Wisconsin, but meanwhile examine the last mystery the viderste after the leap and the range in our preceding mast. Owing to each of the ends! Continue the reading video: BMW releases teaserVideo the half compartment from in second place 1 by the dozen arranges M: BMW releases the half compartment mystery from in second place 1 by the dozen arranges M at the beginning on Autoblog Fri appeared, 27 August 2010 19:57: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • AT broad trunk center-motor Honda CR CR-Z, which comes to SuperGT?
    Filed more under: Spy photo, performance, Hatchback, Honda, Racing Widebody Honda CR CR-Z prototype - Click above for high res gallerybild The GT Chanel crew schrämt snagged on handful OF shots OF on widebody Honda CR CR-Z being built for year unknown come, and while IT could just fuel element year Showelaborate, because for this January' s possible Tokyo own salon, it' s Honda is prepping the CR-z runfor in Japan' s SuperGT touring, because series. With one OF the Honda HSV-010 team getting thing down second place into the GT500 class this season, HoMoCo could fuel element looking ton capitalize off its success - and the popularity OF the hybrid hatch in Japan - by falling thing A CR-Z-z is the GT300 class. The engine and chassis restrictions acres less rigid compared ton the top animal SuperGT racers, so the mid mounted V6 (however V8?) shown into the gallery below is A-okay with JAF (the regulating body behind SuperGT) - with A set OF even turbos. If the build is taking place now (check the carbon fibre doors coming out OF the autoclave), Honda, or one OF its racing affiliates is likely ton start testing the CR-z more racer this case before the new season kicks off in March OF 2011. Gallery: Widebody Honda CR CR-Z prototype [Source: GT Channel] Widebody, mid engine Honda CR-z coming tons of SuperGT? originally appeared on Autoblog on Thu, 26 August 2010 19:23: The 00 EAST. Please lake our term for uses OF feed. Permalink  |  This E mail; |  COMMENT

  • Monterey 2010: Von LeMons der Wettbewerbe bringt ölfluchten und die Leichtigkeit
    Under classifies: Etc. 2010 of Lemons of the competitions - above clicking for the gallery of the picture high research Here the main event of Monterey - of competition elegance - on that is 18. Hole with Pebble Beach under way, but, before the winner takes to podiume, which the remainder of us poor, who impregnated wretches oil in connected crate places. Annual second of LeMons of the competitions have the host center at the fatigued masses and blotties, German, Japanese and American iron French at the regional park of Toro easily with a random selection, which will never honour the lawn by surgery manicured behind the hut. We began a shortened car of passenger train and truck observing to make wheelies and stoppies in the parking lot then returned the view, and the smells of an rotate-operated beetle OPEL GT in stable of Compuware 'Vette put 1948 on a couch of Davis some course leaders, a 2CV, Gulfed Datsun 1600, and Aztek would drive the full camping speed out. Receive eyeful in the following gallery and remain for the true winner of Monterey granted… soon. Gallery: Monterey 2010: of LemonsMonterey in second annual place 2010 of the competitions: From LeMons of the competitions brings oil-swore, and the ease is at the beginning, which appeared on Autoblog Sun, 15 August 2010 17:29: The east 00. See please those our borders for the use of the nutrition. Permalink  |  This  emails; |  Comments

  • Transfer: SV Motors head indicted for investment fraud
    Classé dessous : Convertible, coupé, exécution, etc., gouvernement/légal, spécialité Le SV circule en voiture 9 Competizione - clic ci-dessus pour la galerie de l'image haut-recherche Exactement aujourd'hui il y a année, nous avons obtenu notre premier aperçu réel des moteurs 9 Competizione, mâche-vers le haut américaine/italienne du SV construite placé sur le C6 Chevrolet Corvette et enduite dans le coachwork fait sur commande de fibre de carbone. 365 jours plus tard et le rêve s'est transformé en cauchemar. Joseph Viloa (alto de Giuseppe d'aka), un consultant en matière d'investissement de 58 ans basé à San Francisco, CA et l'homme derrière le SV circule en voiture, a été censément accusé par un grand jury fédéral sur le vol d'identité, le courrier et la fraude aggravés de fil. Dans le processus, il a allégué filoté des victimes pour environ $7 millions - deux millions dont est entré dans la conception et la production du SV 9. Et ce n'était pas la première fois qu'il est couru afoul de la loi. Viloa était précédent condamné de la fraude, servant cinq ans en Arizona, et est actuellement derrière des barres dans le comté de Maricopa où il attend l'épreuve pour un autre cas de fraude de 1990. Son dernier rond des escapades illégales a censément couru de 2004 à 2010, lesoù il a pu avoir fraudé au moins 60 investisseurs. De ce que nous pouvons recueillir, seulement une poignée du SV 9s ont été produites, ainsi en assumant le Feds obtenez leur conviction, le seul cas où vous verrez qu'un Competizione est à l'exposition automatique occasionnelle et - oui - comme tour de Lafayette dans le sang vrai réexécute. Complétez le tippage Brian ! Galerie : Le SV Motor Company 9 Competizione [Source : Rapport de SFGate] : Le SV circule en voiture principal accusé pour la fraude d'investissement est à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog Wed, 4 août 2010 19:23 : Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage des alimentations. Permalink  ; |  ; This  d'email ; |  ; Commentaires

  • Report: The dealer terminated by Chevrolet, which is ready, $20,000 MSRP to load for volts… will more follow?

    Filed under: Car Buying, Hybrid, Sedan, Chevrolet, GM

    2011 Chevrolet Volt - Click above for high-res image gallery

    Researchers from Edmunds decided to drop their local Chevrolet dealer a line to inquire about staking a claim for one of the first available Volts, and the response was shocking at best and galling at worst. Here's the email, sans names:
    Hello *****

    Thank you for your online request, as you know the Volt is going to be a very limited production vehicle for the first 2-3 years. Demand is going to far exceed supply for this vehicle, initially our asking price for the Volt is going to be MSRP plus $20,000, we are expecting only receive 9 Volts all of next year.

    I will keep you in my customer base for when the Volt comes out and I will contact you with any information as I receive it. We are taking orders right now for the Volt, if you would like more information, please let me know and I will be more than happy to help you. Thank you.

    ***** *****, Internet Specialist
    ******* Chevrolet
    ********, CA
    You read that right. A $20k markup over MSRP for a 2011 Chevrolet Volt.

    As Edmunds' AutoObserver points out, this email exchange took place before General Motors announced its plans to increase Volt production by 50% for 2011, churning out approximately 45,000 units in its first year. But even with that knowledge, would the unnamed dealer still avoid bilking early adopters? We doubt it.

    While it's not clear if any other Chevy dealers plan to follow suit, history would suggest that big markups are likely - the Corvette ZR1 initiated this sort of fervor when it was announced, too. On the flip side of the coin, AO sites a report from this past June, in which a GM spokesperson is quoted as saying: "We also aren't expecting our dealers to overcharge anyone for this vehicle, either, and will monitor the situation closely when we launch," adding, "we'll be paying close attention when the vehicle launches and do our best to strongly discourage this kind of behavior, as we always do with any GM-branded vehicle."

    GM is allowing Volt buyers to lease the plug-in hybrid for $350 a month (with a $2,500 down payment) when sales begin later this year, so it strikes us as odd that someone would choose to purchase a Volt outright if the dealer would tack on such an astronomical amount to the MSRP. Then again, there's the possibility that dealers might only allow purchases, negating the option to lease.

    With so much riding on the Volt's success - from GM's long-term environmental program to the political pressures over the federal bailout - the General better get its dealers in line post-haste. If not, the fallout has the potential to stymie the Volt's success before the first owner takes delivery.

    [Source: AutoObserver]

    Report: Chevrolet dealer ready to charge $20,000 over MSRP for Volt... will more follow? originally appeared on Autoblog on Mon, 02 Aug 2010 14:57:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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  • Pagani Zonda rear spar indicated completely
    Classé dessous: Convertible, exécution, luxe Pagani Zonda rear spar - clic ci-dessus pour la gallery d'image La dernière édition spéciale Zonda à venir de Pagani est placée pour être fournie à la fin de cette année à un Américain risiblement riche, corn avant que les enveloppes officielles SE dégagent, un coup d'oeil de mouchard you Zonda rear spar est arrivé EN ligne. IL ne remainders aucun mot sur pour qui le convertible unique est construit, corn le pépère fier A détaillé SA création commissionnée plus de chez team speed et, comme rapporté précédemment, c'est une amalgamation vive you Zonda F et de Cinque. Le rear spar commence par le baquet you carbon titane you Zonda, et là you propriétaire A sélectionné le meilleur peu you more casier de pièces de Pagani. Les freins EN céramique de carbons SE cachent derrière les roues de centre verrouillage, alors que les 680 puissances EN chevaux V12 AMG originaire you Cinque résident dehors DOS, avec the hydrocarbures épuisés faits la navette dehors un dispositif d'échappement titanique et puissance d'envoi à une boîte de vitesse manual appropriée. Tandis que le bleu de Monterey extérieur et l'accentuation jaune est un all, la conception est toujours soit étoffée et l'homme derrière les espoirs de rear spars de l'avoir EN SA pos session par l'extrémité de l'année, accomplissent l'agrafe avant you f corn sans l'entrée d'air montée à l'arrière substantial. Dans mots de l'acheteur de mystère propres, "qui était beaucoup." Gallery: Pagani Zonda rear spar [SOURCE: Team speed,] Pagani Zonda rear spar A entièrement indiqué à l'origine apparu sur Autoblog lundi, 2 août 2010 13:58: Est 00. Veuillez voir les nos limites pour l'usage alimony. Permalink  |  This  d'email; |  Commentaires

  • 2004 cherokee largely of jeep
    Price: 0 | Details: 97,711 miles, 6 cylinders, Automatiken, exterior of blue, grey inside | To come see with self-haven, Inc. in Largo: 727-545-3100

  • Cruiser 2005 of Chrysler Pinte
    Price: 0 | Details: 71,800 miles, 4 cylinders, Automatiken, exterior of PUR-pure, grey inside | To come see with self-haven, Inc. in Largo: 727-545-3100

  • Car 2002 of load of Chevrolet astro
    Price: 6.250 | Details: 57,868 miles, 6 cylinders, Automatiken, space bar exterior, grey inside | To come see with self-haven, Inc. in Largo: 727-545-3100

  • Ford 2006 F-150
    Price: 14.900 | Details: 101,818 miles, 8 cylinders, Automatiken, gold exterior, Bronzierinneres | To come see with self-haven, Inc. in Largo: 727-545-3100

  • RAM 1500 of 2004 detours
    Price: 0 | Details: 98,250 miles, 8 cylinders, Automatiken, exterior of black, grey inside | To come see with self-haven, Inc. in Largo: 727-545-3100

  • LT 2009 of Chevrolet Impala
    Price: 13.495 | Details: 46,203 miles, 3500 OHV V6 FF Automatiken, funds exterior, GRIS inside 18/29 MPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086

  • RAM 1500 SLT of 2010 detours
    Price: 20.995 | Details: 25,206 miles, fuel SOHC 16V V8, mechanism, funds exterior, NOIR inside 14/19 KABELMPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086

  • 2009 TOURISM of Chrysler Sebring
    Price: 15.995 | Details: 33,886 miles, DOHC FFV 24V V6 automatic and blue stain-clearly exterior, NOIR inside 18/26 MPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086

  • LT 2009 of Chevrolet Hhr
    Price: 11,995 | Details: 40,755 miles, Ecotec DOHC I-4, AUTOMATIC, GRAY exterior, BLACK interior, 22/30 MPG | As lake IT RK Used of touring buses in Pinellas County park Automall in Pinellas park: (866) 708-0086

  • LT 2010 of Chevrolet Hhr
    Price: 13.995 | Details: 26,667 miles, Ecotec DOHC I-4 mechanism, funds exterior, NOIR inside 22/30 MPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086

  • LT 2009 of Chevrolet Impala
    Price: 13.495 | Details: 46,203 miles, 3500 OHV V6 FF Automatiken, funds exterior, GRIS inside 18/29 MPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086

  • RAM 1500 SLT of 2010 detours
    Price: 20.995 | Details: 25,206 miles, fuel SOHC 16V V8, mechanism, funds exterior, NOIR inside 14/19 KABELMPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086

  • 2009 TOURISM of Chrysler Sebring
    Price: 15.995 | Details: 33,886 miles, DOHC FFV 24V V6 automatic and blue stain-clearly exterior, NOIR inside 18/26 MPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086

  • LT 2009 of Chevrolet Hhr
    Price: 11,995 | Details: 40,755 miles, Ecotec DOHC I-4, AUTOMATIC, GRAY exterior, BLACK interior, 22/30 MPG | As lake IT RK Used of touring buses in Pinellas County park Automall in Pinellas park: (866) 708-0086

  • LT 2010 of Chevrolet Hhr
    Price: 13.995 | Details: 26,667 miles, Ecotec DOHC I-4 mechanism, funds exterior, NOIR inside 22/30 MPG | To come see at the motor vehicles second-hand in Automall park of the county of Pinellas in park of Pinellas: (866) 708-0086
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